To support mobility and resiliency in our communities, the Sarasota/Manatee MPO actively conducts planning studies for the 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan.

Alleviating traffic & congestion

The Congestion Management Process (CMP) assesses the regional transportation network, identifying strategies to alleviate congestion and enhance safety. These strategies include advanced technologies, managed lanes, and variable speed limits, all aimed at improving travel efficiency. The CMP, integral to the long-range transportation plan, is updated every five years.

The current CMP was adopted in 2019, with an update underway and expected to be complete by Summer 2024.

What are the goals of the of the Congestion Management Process?

  • Goal 1: Safety & Security

  • Goal 2: Equity & Livability

  • Goal 3: Mobility & Reliability

  • Goal 4: Technology & Autonomy

  • Goal 5: Economy & Tourism

Improving walking, bicycling, & transit networks

Improving the safety of people traveling by non-motorized modes is a top priority and goal of the MPO. The Active Transportation Plan (ATP) is a key part of the MPO’s long-range transportation plan. The vision for this plan is to enhance walking, bicycling, and transit networks, fostering seamless connections for citizens and visitors to safely and conveniently reach their destinations.

The current ATP was adopted by the MPO Board in 2019, with a major update expected to be completed in Winter 2024.

What are the goals of the of Active Transportation Plan?

  • Improve safety for people walking, bicycling, and riding transit

  • Increase the number of walking, bicycling, and transit trips in the region

  • Promote equity in the transportation planning, design, funding, implementation and evaluation process

  • Achieve a connected, safe, accessible and comfortable network for bicyclists, pedestrians, trail users, and transit riders


To plan transportation projects that serve our community’s needs, the MPO forecasts how our region will grow over the next 25 years.

This involves analyzing land use, capital spending plans, and other factors to predict where growth will happen. A socioeconomic forecast helps us understand future population, economic, and demographic trends, guiding our long-term planning and investments.

Path to zero fatalities and serious injuries

On February 28, 2022, the Sarasota/Manatee MPO Board adopted a Safety Action Plan called Destination Zero. Traffic-related deaths and serious injuries are preventable, and a safer roadway network is achievable.

The Safety Action Plan involves six sets of strategies: engineering, education, engagement, equity, enforcement, and emergency response.

What are the goals of the Safety Action Plan?

  1. Eliminate fatal & serious injury crashes on our roadways – the goal is ZERO.

  2. Improve roadway safety for all road users (motorized & non-motorized)

  3. Use a data-driven approach to identify dangerous roads and intersections

  4. Implement a Safe System Approach to roadway safety


The Sarasota/Manatee MPO Resiliency & Vulnerability Assessment is a regionally-focused vulnerability and mitigation analysis that identifies vulnerable transportation infrastructure and cost-effective strategies to increase the transportation system’s resilience to storm surge, nuisance flooding, and wildfires.

In anticipation of the 2050 plan, the MPO launched a two-phase study that combines thorough planning with resilience.

Phase I, completed in February 2023, thoroughly examined potential vulnerabilities in the region, identified critical transportation sites that need attention, and provided practical solutions.

Phase II, initiated in August 2023, refined the list of high-priority facilities to ensure resilience and adaptability to various scenarios.